Australia Streamflow Data

Following is a list of streamflow stations in AUSTRALIA. See the readme.htm file for a complete description of the data and austat.htm for all of the station characteristics.
Station-ID  River              Station
111003   Behana Ck             Allomba
112101   Sth Johnston          Central Mill
113004   Cochable Ck           Powerline
116004   Herbert Ck            Gleneagle
120204   Broken                Credition
130306   Don                   Rannes
136201   Barker Ck             Wyalla
136301   Stuart                Ween's Bridge
138004   Munna Ck              Marodian
145101   Albert                Lumeah 2
145102   Albert                Bromfleet
203002   Coopers Ck            Repetance
204001   Nymboida              Nymboida
204002   Clarence              Tabulum
204025   Orara                 Karangi
204036   Cataract Ck           Sandy Hill
206001   Styx                  Jeogla
206009   Tia                   Tia
206010   Yarrowitch            Yarrowitch
210006   Goulburn              Coggan
210011   Williams              Tillagra
210019   Omadale Bk            Roma
210022   Allyn                 Halton
214003   Macquarie             Albion Park
215001   Shoalhaven            Welcome Reef
219004   Tantawangalo Ck       Tantawangalo School
222004   Little Plains         Wellesley
222202   Brodribb              Sardine Ck
222206   Buchan                Buchan
222213   Suggan Buggan         Suggan Buggan
224203   Mitchell              Glenaladale
224206   Wonnangatta           Crooked River
226202   Tyers                 Gould
226203   Tanjil                Blue Rock
226220   Loch                  Noojee
227202   Tarwin                Meeniyan
227203   Franklin              Henwoods Bridge
227219   Bass                  Loch
228207   Bunyip                Headworks
233214   Barwon (West Branch)  Forres
235202   Gellibrand            Upper Gellibrand
236202   Hopkins               Wickliffe
236204   Fiery Ck              Streatham
237202   Fitzroy               Heywood
238204   Wannon                Dunkeld
238207   Wannon                Jimmy Ck
238208   Jimmy Ck              Jimmy Ck
418008   Gwydir                Bundarra
419004   Peel                  Bowling Alley Point
419016   Cockburn              Mulla Crossing
421018   Bell                  Newrea
421034   Slippery Ck           Dam Site
401203   Mitta Mitta           Hinnomunjie
401210   Snowy Ck              below Granite Flat
401212   Nariel                Upper Nariel
401216   Big                   Joker Ck
403205   Ovens                 Bright
403218   Dandongadale          Matong North
405205   Murrindindi           Murrindindi
405214   Delatite              Tonga Bridge
406208   Campaspe              Ashbourne
407214   Creswick Ck           Clunes
408200   Avoca                 Coonooer
408202   Avoca                 Amphitheatre
415206   Wimmera               Glynwylin
415207   Wimmera               Eversley
304017   Derwent               Butlers Gorge
304020   Ouse                  Liawenee
304089   Nive                  Gowan Brae
307001   Davey                 Crossing River
308003   Franklin              Mt Fincham Track
309001   King                  Crotty
312001   Hellyer               Guildford Junction
315003   Wilmot                Moina
315006   Forth                 above Lemonthyme
318001   South Esk             Launceston
503502   Scott Ck              Scotts Bottom
507500   Hill                  near Andrews
608151   Donnelly              Strickland
614016   North Dandalup        Scarp Road
616065   Canning               Glen Eagle

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