The following is a HELP file for the Chile MONTHLY streamflow data set.

The data set consist of monthly streamflow data for streamflow
stations in the Chile. They are free of upstream regulation and
generally represent unimpaired streamflow conditions. For a complete 
description of the station characteristics,
see the chilesta.htm file.

These data were supplied by: 

	Professor Ernesto Brown
	Univesidad de Chile
	Facultad de Ciencias Fisicas Y Matematicas
	Departmento de Ingenieria Civil
	Casilla 225-3, Santiago, Chile

Summary of Stations:

Station ID      byear	eyear	# years
3404001		1948	1988	41
3414001		1948	1988	41
3421001		1948	1988	41
3820001		1948	1988	41
4320001		1948	1988	41
4501001		1948	1988	41
4506001		1948	1988	41
4511002		1948	1988	41
4523002		1948	1988	41
5410002		1948	1988	41
5710001		1948	1988	41
5722002		1948	1988	41
6028001		1948	1988	41
7104002		1948	1988	41
7112001		1948	1988	41
7115001		1948	1988	41
7321002		1948	1988	41
7330001		1948	1988	41
7341001		1948	1988	41
7354001		1948	1988	41
7372001		1948	1988	41
8106001		1948	1988	41
8117004		1948	1988	41
8130001		1948	1988	41
8317001		1948	1988	41
8330001		1948	1988	41
8332001		1948	1988	41
9101001		1948	1988	41
9102001		1948	1988	41
9122001		1948	1988	41

Each line of the data has the following format:

blank			7X
Year			I4
12 monthly values	12(F8.2)

The monthly data are based on a water year starting in April and are
average monthly streamflow in m^3/s.

Written By:	Thomas Piechota
		University of California, Los Angeles
		3066 Engineering I
		Civil and Environmental Engineering Dept.
		Los Angeles, CA 90095-1593
		Office: (310) 206-8612
		Fax:	(310) 206-7245