starting.txt HELP ON STARTING mrcat (also known as CTMRedit) I. What is the command syntax? II. Where does mrcat look for the main editable image? III. Where does mrcat look for the locator images? IV. Quitting mrcat ********************************************************************** I. What is the command syntax? mrcat takes one argument: the name of a directory in which it should look for image files, e.g. >> mrcat /home/myhome/mri If the directory name is not specified, mrcat will start by looking in the current directory, e.g. >> cd /home/myhome/mri; >> mrcat; Note that CTMRedit (as currently implemented) is just an alternate name for mrcat, so you can also type >> cd /home/myhome/mri; >> CTMRedit; ************************************************************************** II. Where does mrcat look for the main editable image? mrcat recursively searches all subdirectories of the specified directory until it finds a directory containing image files which it knows how to load. The image files mrcat can load include GE 5.x "MR" files, and all files loadable using the matlab 'imread' command. The first loadable image mrcat finds is loaded as the main editable image. The full pathname of this image is parsed as follows, and the popup menus beneath the main editable image are intialized accordingly (see the file "Help on Image Loading"). PATH = ROOTDIR//// If no editable images are found in any subdirectory of the directory specified on the command line, then mrcat will go up JUST ONE directory level, and search the subdirectories of all "brothers and sisters" of the specified directory. ************************************************************************** III. Where does mrcat look for the locator images? Once the main editable image is found, mrcat looks for sagittal locator images in subdirectories of ROOTDIR/// Where is by default the character 's'. If no images are found in this directory, mrcat will test all of the possible values of . This can be useful, for example, if you only want to keep sagittal locator images in the one directory ROOTDIR//_loc/s Likewise, the coronal/axial locator image is sought beneath ROOTDIR/// If is 'c', is initially 'a', otherwise is initially 'c'. *************************************************************************** IV. Quitting mrcat First, if you have made any changes to the outline, save your changes by pressing the "Save Otl" button. Now you can quit by pressing the "Close" button. *******************************************************************************