History ] Research ] MEDUSA ] Publications ] [ Presentations and programs ] People ]

Presentations (here) and Programs (below)

F.F. Chen, Reflective enhancement of distributed helicon sources, American Vacuum Society, Denver, Nov. 3, 2002.    PPT


J. D. Evans and F. F. Chen, Optimization of source modules in ICP-Helicon multi-element arrays for large area plasma processing, American Vacuum Society, Denver, Nov. 3, 2002.    PPT


T. G. Madziwa, F.F. Chen, and D. Arnush, Ion trajectories in electron-shading damage, American Vacuum Society, Denver, Nov. 3, 2002.    PPT


F.F. Chen, Evolution of rf plasma sources, American Vacuum Society, Baltimore, Nov. 4, 2003.  PPT


F.F. Chen, RF plasma sources for semiconductor processing, 2nd International School of Advance Plasma Technology, Varenna, Italy, Sept. 27 - Oct. 1, 2004.  PPT


F.F. Chen, Electron probe currents in ICPs, poster paper, Amer. Vac. Soc., Anaheim, CA, Nov. 14, 2004.  PPT


F.F. Chen,  A helicon plasma source for large-area materials processing, NSF DMII Grantees Conference, Scottsdale, Arizona, Jan. 3, 2005.  PPT


F.F. Chen, Nonlinear effects and anomalous transport in rf plasmas, Workshop on Nonlocal, Collisionless Electron Transport in Plasmas, Princeton, August 2005.  PPT 


F.F. Chen, RF Langmuir probes, revisited, 58th Gaseous Electronics Conference, San Jose, CA, Oct. 17, 2005.  PPT


F.F. Chen, Large-area helicon source with permanent magnets, Int'l Conference on Plasma Physics, Kiev, Ukraine, May 24, 2006.  PPT


F.F. Chen, Helicons, a physics dilemma solved, Tsing Hua Univ., Taiwan, March 2008.  PPT


F.F. Chen, Low temperature plasma physics and plasma processing, INER, Taiwan, March, 2008.  PPT


F.F. Chen, Use of Langmuir probes in RF plasmas, INER, Taiwan, March, 2008.  PPT


F.F. Chen, Development and physics of RF plasma sources, INER, Taiwan, March, 2008.  PPT


F.F. Chen, Distributed helicon sources with permanent magnets, INER, Taiwan, March, 2008.  PPT


F.F. Chen, The complicated physics of helicon discharges, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, April 2008.  PPT


F.F. Chen, Practical helicon sources using permanent magnets, Gaseous Electronics Conference, Dallas, TX, October 2008.  PPT


F.F. Chen, Permanent- magnet helicon sources and arrays: a new type of rf plasma, APS Division of Plasma Physics 50th Anniversary Meeting, Dallas, TX, November 2008.  PPT


F.F. Chen, Understanding fusion, the ultimate solution, INER, Taiwan, February 2009.  PPT


F.F. Chen,  Langmuir probes was Langmuir lucky? INER, Taiwan, February 2009.   PPT


F.F. Chen, Applications of permanent-magnet sources and arrays, INER, Taiwan, February 2009.   PPT


F.F. Chen, PM helicons: a better mousetrap, AVS Symposium, Albuquerque, October 2010.  PPT


F.F. Chen, A new theory of gas discharges based on experiments, KAIST, Korea, April 2011.  PPT


F.F. Chen, Use of Langmuir probes in strong RF plasmas, KAIST, Korea, April 2011.    PPT


F.F. Chen, Why fusion is essential, and why it is so difficult,  Seminar at K-Star, Daejeon, Korea, April 2011.  PPT


F.F. Chen and Davide Curreli: Reformulation of gas discharge theory using data from ICPs and helicons, IEEE-ICOPS, June 2011.  PPT


F.F. Chen and Davide Curreli: What my mother never told me about gas discharges, UCLA plasma seminar, October 2011.  PPT


F.F. Chen and Davide Curreli: A new equilibrium theory for rf discharges, Gaseous Electronics Conference, Salt Lake City, Nov. 16, 2011.   PPT


F.F. Chen, RF plasma sources and how to use helicons, Semes, Samsung, Korea, February 15, 2012.  PPT


F.F. Chen, The case for controlled fusion, the most reasonable energy source, Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, March 2012    PPT 


F.F. Chen, The case for controlled fusion, the most reasonable energy source, UCLA, May 2012.    PPT


F.F. Chen, Fusion: for now and forever, IAEA FEC October 2012  PPT

F.F. Chen, Radial transport in bounded cylinders and physics of “universal” profiles, Gaseous Electronics Conference, Austin, TX, October 23, 2012. PPT


F.F. Chen, Langmuir probes the intense rf environment inside a helicon discharge, Gaseous Electronics Conference, Austin, TX, October 24, 2012.  PPT


F.F. Chen, Permanent-magnet helicon discharges at 13 and 27 MHz (poster), Gaseous Electronics Conference, Austin, TX, October 25, 2012  PPT


F.F.Chen and D. Curreli, New insights into the experimental behavior of magnetized gas discharges (invited), APS DPP 2012,  Providence, RI, October 31, 2012.   PPT


F.F. Chen, Fusion Power: The Best Renewable Energy of All!  Seminar, UMass Boston, November 2, 2012.  PPT


F.F. Chen, Use of permanent magnets for laboratory and industrial plasmas, Low Temperature Plasma Webinar, November 9, 2012.  DOC  PDF


F.F. Chen, How fusion power can save the planet, UCLA Emeriti lecture, January 10, 2013.  PPT


F.F. Chen, Permanent-magnet helicon source for roll-to-toll processing, Society of Vacuum Coaters, TechCon 2013, Providence, RI, April 22-25, 2013.  PPT


F.F. Chen, Permanent-magnet helicon sources for etching, coating, and thrust, 2013 Workshop on radiofrequency discharges, La Badine, France, May 29-31, 2013.  PPT  This talk was never given due to travel problems, but an expanded version is given below.


F.F. Chen, Permanent-magnet helicon sources for etching, coating, and thrust, Low Temperature Plasma Teleseminar, June 14, 2013.  PPT




Fusion  film, in French, by Arte


Le Soleil sur Terre       MPEG2    Exceeds website limit  



Computational  programs


Probe analysis programs (Excel)


These programs are made available for public use only if proper acknowledgment is made in resulting publications or patents.


   Orbital Motion Limited theory:  ESP_OML.xls

   Bernstein-Rabinowitz-Laframboise theory:  ESP_BRL.xls

   Allen-Boyd-Reynolds theory:  ESP_ABR.xls

   Floating potential method:  ESP_FP.xls

   Instruction manual for probe programs:  Probe manual.doc


Helicon waves and antennas (C++)

This program is made available for public use only if proper acknowledgment is made in resulting publications or patents.

    Helic 1.0 is the latest and probably final version of HELIC, since Don Arnush passed away in 2003.  The following .EXE file is a self-extracting ZIP file.  First create a new folder, e.g.  "Helic", and extract to it.  Included are Word and PDF copies of the Instructions and the Equations (which are also in the Help section  of the program).   With all the files in the same folder, the program is started by double-clicking on Helic10.exe.   By clicking Start.exe, you can access the DOC and PDF files, and also install the program to another directory.  If all the files are written to a CD, the opening menu for installation will appear automatically.




Matching circuit design

Multitube match.xls



Permanent magnets

This program is made available for public use only if proper acknowledgment is made in resulting publications or patents.

Computation of PM fields and lines:  BfieldMsetup.exe

Instructions: Instructions for BFieldM program.pdf