bullet Arsenic-Phosphorous Exchange on Indium phosphide (InP)


Shown below are atomic resolution images of the reconstructions produced by As-P exchange reaction on InP (001).

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Image size = 540 x 540 Å2, inset = 225 x 225 Å2, sample bias  = -3.2 V

As:InP (001) disordered (1x4) reconstruction, produced by dosing TBAs on InP d(2x4) at 285 oC.  It consist of an additional As layer on top of a layer of (2x1) rows (see below).

Image size = 433 x 433 Å2, inset = 160 x 160 Å2, sample bias = -3.8 V



As:InP (001) (2x1) reconstruction, produced by dosing TBAs on InP d(2x4) at 350 oC.  It consist of a monolayer of buckled group V dimer.  This reconstruction is similar to the (2x1) observed on InP (001) surface.




Image size = 350 x 350 Å2,

sample bias = -3.6 V



As:InP (001) (2x4) reconstruction, produced by dosing TBAs at 380 oC.  Here, both b2 and a2(2x4) phases, double and single dimer unit cells, respectively, are present.  These two structures are identical to that observed on InAs (001) surfaces.


 Image size = 310 x 310 Å2,

sample bias = -3.2 V


As:InP (001) (4x2) reconstruction, produced by dosing TBAs at 430 oC.  This structure looks the same as the InAs (4x2) surface.

© Copyright 1996-2007, R. F. Hicks, Semiconductor Material Chemistry and Plasma Processing Laboratory, University of California, Los Angeles.

For information, please contact Professor Robert F. Hicks
Last Modified May 21, 2007 05:58 PM