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Teaching Schedule AY2015-16

Fall 2015: "MAE270A Linear Dynamic Systems" Course Description: (Same as Chemical Engineering M280A and Electrical Engineering M240A.) Lecture, four hours; outside study, eight hours. Requisite: course 171A or Electrical Engineering 141. State-space description of linear time-invariant (LTI) and time-varying (LTV) systems in continuous and discrete time. Linear algebra concepts such as eigenvalues and eigenvectors, singular values, Cayley/Hamilton theorem, Jordan form; solution of state equations; stability, controllability, observability, realizability, and minimality. Stabilization design via state feedback and observers; separation principle. Connections with transfer function techniques. Letter grading.

Winter 2016: "MAE107 Introduction to Modeling and Analysis of Dynamic Systems" Course Description: Lecture, four hours; discussion, one hour; laboratory, two hours; outside study, five hours. Requisites: Computer Science 31, Electrical Engineering 100 (enforced). Introduction to modeling of physical systems, with examples of mechanical, fluid, thermal, and electrical systems. Description of these systems with coverage of impulse response, convolution, frequency response, first- and second-order system transient response analysis, and numerical solution. Nonlinear differential equation descriptions with discussion of equilibrium solutions, small signal linearization, large signal response. Block diagram representation and response of interconnections of systems. Hands-on experiments reinforce lecture material. Letter grading.

Spring 2016: "MAE172 Control System Design Laboratory" Course Description: Lecture, three hours; laboratory, two hours; outside study, seven hours. Enforced requisite: course 171A. Introduction to loop shaping controller design with application to laboratory electromechanical systems. Power spectrum models of noise and disturbances, and performance trade-offs imposed by conflicting requirements. Constraints on sensitivity function and complementary sensitivity function imposed by nonminimum phase plants. Lecture topics supported by weekly hands-on laboratory work. Letter grading.